Dirt Treaders

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Author:  Ld00d [ Sat Aug 27, 2016 10:54 am ]
Post subject:  FYI

I was watching an embedded youtube video on here the other day, and I noticed there's a "deprecation" notice on the embedded player. There's a new way to do videos that doesn't involve Flash (good thing). But, it looks like I would have to do some work on this software to make that work. We've also had issues with users with forgotten passwords who can't get reset. The UI is looking pretty awful -- especially on a retina Mac (which I'm typing on). This forum has never been at all mobile friendly. Maybe these issues have been addressed in newer phpBB versions, but I feel it's time to move on.

Elsewhere, a lot of people are using Discourse. I rather like the interface, it's pretty feature-rich, and they have a phpBB import process. This will mean bringing Dirt Treaders down for a few hours so that things don't get out of sync. Some things like "thanks" won't translate. There may be a manual way of handling that, but I haven't looked into it. The most important stuff like forum categories, users, uploaded images, etc. will be imported though.

One immediate problem is getting Discourse running on our existing host would be difficult. It's probably possible, but not worth the hassle when they make the "normal" installation so nice. They have a recommended provider that could turn out to be cheaper since they're a cloud service that charges for usage vs. a flat yearly fee. I've heard good things about them before too. I'm ready to dump our current provider anyway. They bumped our fee last invoice and didn't make it worth more (if that makes sense).

The next issue that comes to mind is our existing forum posts are linked in news articles (crazy, right?) and other forum posts. Migrating DT and then abandoning the current implementation will create a mess of dead links, and I think it's important we don't do that. So, I'll have to transfer DT to the cloud service and set it to read-only. Actually, moving it over should be the first step.

I'm still in the research phase of this, but I wanted to just put this out there instead of just dropping the bomb on everyone on the day of migration. I'm wide open to thoughts...

Author:  avidtest [ Sat Aug 27, 2016 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FYI

Ya gotta do what makes sense.

One thought: I don't fully understand the 'Thanks' issue you referenced, but I really like. If it's a feature that is there, but won't carry over the existing 'Thanks', then I'd say who cares, but if the feature is not available, I personally would be disappointed. It's a great way to express appreciation, and often, a gauge of whether others appreciate your posts. Narcissists love that shit..... :ninja:

Author:  Ld00d [ Sat Aug 27, 2016 1:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FYI

avidtest wrote:
Ya gotta do what makes sense.

One thought: I don't fully understand the 'Thanks' issue you referenced, but I really like. If it's a feature that is there, but won't carry over the existing 'Thanks', then I'd say who cares, but if the feature is not available, I personally would be disappointed. It's a great way to express appreciation, and often, a gauge of whether others appreciate your posts. Narcissists love that shit..... :ninja:

It's a built-in feature in Discourse, but the thanks that you have here won't translate to Discourse.

Author:  evdog [ Sat Aug 27, 2016 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FYI

Some of us have worked hard to accumulate all those thanks. So many that...we don't need to post much anymore :)

By the way, hard to believe DT is 8 years old now!

Author:  Ray Dolor [ Sat Aug 27, 2016 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FYI

With no doubt, 'prolly the main way I contribute to this forum is via the 'thanks' feature.

i'm pretty worthless as it is, but pleeze, boss, don't render me TOTALLY useless!

Author:  k2rider [ Sat Aug 27, 2016 4:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FYI

evdog wrote:
Some of us have worked hard to accumulate all those thanks. So many that...we don't need to post much anymore :)

You'll be okay. Just take off on one of your epic adventures, post up some stellar photos like you always do and you'll be right back on top!! :cheers:

Author:  OldDogDan [ Sat Aug 27, 2016 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FYI

Well, Sounds like a lot of work for you, but whatever you want is okay by me. Loss of accumulated thanks doesnt really bother me. But -- the single biggest issue is declining participation. Post up MF'ers!!

Author:  Red Hot Sloth [ Sat Aug 27, 2016 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FYI

Does it come with an unthank, throat-punch or FU button, I and others might appreciate that feature.


Author:  bajamtnbkr [ Sat Aug 27, 2016 9:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FYI

Does it come with an automatic "bike leaning against something" feature? That would save me some efford ;)

Author:  Ld00d [ Sun Aug 28, 2016 2:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FYI

bajamtnbkr wrote:
Does it come with an automatic "bike leaning against something" feature? That would save me some efford ;)

no, but it has "row of people climbing on one of Baja's all-uphill rides"

Author:  QuietStorm [ Sun Aug 28, 2016 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FYI

I think the Discourse look and feel is great and will be a welcomed change. Ditch the thanks button, please. Let posts stand on their own.

It's like tipping for good service when paying at a drive through restaurant.

Author:  avidtest [ Sun Aug 28, 2016 3:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FYI

Boo to that.

It's nice to appreciate and at times, be appreciated. But, if you don't want to participate, it's not a requirement.

Author:  OldDogDan [ Sun Aug 28, 2016 3:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FYI

[...had to do it].

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