Dirt Treaders

Birthday Riding at Bootleg Canyon
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Author:  badkittyjing [ Sun Nov 07, 2010 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Birthday Riding at Bootleg Canyon

I posted up that I'd be in Vegas this past weekend and was hoping to get a few riders to come out, but plans fell through. Oh well. I brought my bike anyways, but had pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I wasn't going to do any riding.

Thursday or Friday night, I ended up on mtbr and found out that the SNMBA (South Nevada Mountain Biking Association) was having an XC group ride out at Bootleg. Hell, even if it is XC, it's still riding... and hopefully I could convince a few to shuttle a couple of the DH runs with me.


He actually had a "Captain Hook" sticker on his bike! He has both brake levers on one side.

Only about 12 showed up for the ride initially as there was an accident on the fwy that caused about a 45 min. delay. We decided to do one XC loop. Climbed IMBA/Mother, blasted down POW, and climbed out via Par None.
POW is tons of fun. You can catch some real speed through this trail and there are a lot of steep, long, g-outs.

The rest of the group had finally arrived and were waiting as we finished this loop. They then went on to do another loop, but I hung back with one of the guys who had lost his friend from the last loop. The main group didn't give a fuck about making sure everyone was there, but I didn't feel right just taking off and leaving this guy to wait for his friend because we didn't know where the hell he was. As a DTer, I just couldn't do it. Both of them were pretty new to MTBing and the dood's friend had basically overexerted himself and had to walk the last leg of the loop. So we chilled until the group came back from the 2nd loop. I then convinced one of the guys to guide us through one of the XC runs you can shuttle. We did Boyscout, then onto Caldera, then finished off with Girlscout. For an XC run, Boyscout is pretty techy.

Our trusty shuttle driver. I like that girls shuttle free :)

This is a pretty steep (felt like straight up and down) g-out that was pretty rocky. Of course pictures and video don't do it justice.


Off camber rocky section

More off camber rock.

Too bad this was on a climb instead of a descent.

We got back to the gazebo and waiting for the other group to return. They had opted to climb up Girlscout and then did a longer loop of Caldera. By the time everyone came back, they were all spent from all the pedaling they did and the couple guys I had initially convinced to ride some DH were bailing. Boo. I stayed after everyone left and figured I'd try to to hook up with some guys on the next shuttle or go at it alone (I know, not a good idea).

Luckily there were some cool cats on the next shuttle and I was able to get a "tour" of Snakeback to Reaper. Rob was a really awesome "guide" as he took the time to let me know just enough of what was coming up that I could prep myself for it, but didn't over-elaborate it so that I would have time to freak out about stuff. We did Reaper relatively slow (well, as slow as you can on a steep DH trail) just so I could get a feel for it. I had somehow convinced another XC guy to do the DH run and since he was walking most of it, he offered to take pictures with my camera :) Rob's buddy Tim had to bail before Reaper because his rear derailleur ripped off, got caught in the spokes, and broke in half on Snakeback. He was going to just run chainless until he endo'd at another feature and broke his rear brake lever. Bummer.

Top of the mountain

The start of the trail... or is it?

Yup, looks like it! :bang: The best way to tackle this is the right line and finish it off with a small drop.

The first waterfall. I pussied out on this last year. I wasn't about to pussy out this year.

A different view of the same feature.

Can you find the trail?? This off camber rock section is definitely more treacherous than the XC version as the penalty for failure is a lot steeper.

This is a lot steeper than it looks. A couple of the guys walk it.

This is to show how steep this section is. It ends off with a roller, which could be a drop depending on your speed. I dropped it this first round, but landed pretty front heavy.

Snakeback then splits off to either Sidewinder or Reaper. This is the start of Reaper. Can you find the trail?

It goes like this:

The initial chute is definitely a lot steeper than this picture looks. You catch mad speed coming down this!!

After I scoped it out, XC guy asks if I'm going to do it. I give him the thumbs up! :thumbsup:

This shot is from less than halfway down the chute taken by XC guy looking up at me and Rob (cool DH cat) standing where we left the bikes at the start of the trail.

Rolling in

Rob dropping in first

Followed by myself

Big ass going fast!

I was pretty stoked that I had done Snakeback/Reaper without any dabs and no pussying out on any features, so we decided to do one more run straight through. Tim was cool about waiting for us to do another run. Rob and I were the only 2 on the last shuttle of the day. :bang:

Awesome, awesome time at Bootleg and I can't wait to get back out there again!!

P.S. I realize that I typed "steep" quite a bit in this TR. :lol:

Author:  bajamtnbkr [ Sun Nov 07, 2010 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Birthday Riding at Bootleg Canyon

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Author:  Los [ Sun Nov 07, 2010 9:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Birthday Riding at Bootleg Canyon

Great TR and pics BKJ ! Its funny that you found a couple of fill in hubbies LOL. :lol: Once again, I feel like a 12 yr old girl watching you hit some gnar.

Author:  mealsonwheels [ Sun Nov 07, 2010 9:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Birthday Riding at Bootleg Canyon

Thanks for the pics. I can't wait to get back out there next month.

Author:  badkittyjing [ Sun Nov 07, 2010 9:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Birthday Riding at Bootleg Canyon

One more thing I'd like to mention... I really do enjoy being a part of DT and the group rides that we do.

When there are noobs in the group, everyone waits at each intersection. When the last person gets there, they get a chance to catch their breath before everyone takes off. The ride leaders/sweepers make sure that everyone that's supposed to be part of the group remains a part of the group.

I didn't fully enjoy my experience with the SNMBA. I was the 2nd to last person (or at least I thought I was the 2nd to last person) and when I arrived at one of the intersections of the first loop... I told them I knew there was at least one more person behind me. The first several riders just took off. I told the last few riders that I was going to wait for the last guy. So then they took off. WTF?! It's THEIR ride with THEIR members and I'm the outsider playing sweeper?! :roll:

When we all regrouped at the gazebo, the last guy realized his friend was missing. He had thought his friend was ahead of him, but turns out he wasn't. The group didn't give an eff and took off to do a 2nd loop. So I hung out at the gazebo while we waited for his friend to come. The three of us then waited for the group to come back.

Realizing that these guys were noobs, I was able to convince one of the SNMBA guys to go on the shuttle and give us a tour of Boyscout, Caldera, Girlscout as there was no way these guys would've been able to pedal up Girlscout AND do the extended Caldera loop.

Kind of fucked up in my opinion.

Anyways... rant over. I'm happy to be a DTer. :bang:

Author:  Los [ Sun Nov 07, 2010 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Birthday Riding at Bootleg Canyon

So true, but maybe it was an advanced / fast paced ride? Not making excuses for something I know nothing about, just looking at other possibilities for this situation.

Author:  Mudd [ Sun Nov 07, 2010 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Birthday Riding at Bootleg Canyon

Great report! I wanna go.... :thumbsup:

Author:  badkittyjing [ Sun Nov 07, 2010 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Birthday Riding at Bootleg Canyon

Los wrote:
So true, but maybe it was an advanced / fast paced ride? Not making excuses for something I know nothing about, just looking at other possibilities for this situation.

Nope, this is what they posted:

Time Saturday, November 6 ยท 10:00am - 1:30pm
Location Bootleg Canyon
Created By Southern Nevada Mountain Bike Association
More Info Join the SNMBA on a XC Mountain bike ride in Beautiful Bootleg Canyon. Meet us at the main Parking lot by the restrooms on Saturday Nov. 6th at 10am. All Levels of riding is welcome.

Author:  406 [ Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Birthday Riding at Bootleg Canyon

nice, looks like fun. was it hot?

Author:  dirtmonger [ Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Birthday Riding at Bootleg Canyon

Had some not so great experiences with meetup groups when I was new. I have no patience for such behavior, but am glad you managed to have fun anyway.

Sigh, I wish I could be 15 years younger again. I broke my sense of being unbreakable.

And, not to forget, happy b-day!


Author:  amor587 [ Mon Nov 08, 2010 9:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Birthday Riding at Bootleg Canyon

Great TR BKJ!


Author:  MiLo [ Mon Nov 08, 2010 10:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Birthday Riding at Bootleg Canyon

Can't wait to go back to bootleg Canyon. XC side of course :P

Author:  badkittyjing [ Mon Nov 08, 2010 10:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Birthday Riding at Bootleg Canyon

406 wrote:
nice, looks like fun. was it hot?

It was actually quite nice! There was only a moment where it was hot, but all you had to do was hang out under the gazebo and there were nice cool breezes. Towards the end of the day, it had gotten pretty windy up top, but never cold. Seriously perfect temps for Bootleg.

dirtmonger wrote:
Had some not so great experiences with meetup groups when I was new. I have no patience for such behavior, but am glad you managed to have fun anyway.

Guess I've just been spoiled with DT. :mrgreen:

Author:  Los [ Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Birthday Riding at Bootleg Canyon

dirtmonger wrote:
Had some not so great experiences with meetup groups when I was new. DM

The whole storm trooper / darth setup probably intimidated them a bit :lol:

Author:  QuietStorm [ Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Birthday Riding at Bootleg Canyon

badkittyjing wrote:
The first waterfall. I pussied out on this last year. I wasn't about to pussy out this year.

Good job Tara. So proud of you for overcoming a feature that I knew you really wanted to hit last year. A little practice goes a long way and knowing you can do it is invaluable.

Good job all around.

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