Dirt Treaders

A Tale of Two Trances
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Author:  OldDogDan [ Sun Feb 16, 2014 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  A Tale of Two Trances

image.jpg [ 3.6 MiB | Viewed 13034 times ]

Two Trance X0's, separated by five years, two frame sizes, and three inches of wheel diameter. My friend got a great deal on a used 2013 X0 29er last month after his Gary Fisher was stolen. We went on a good ride at Big Sycamore Canyon at Pt. Mugu, but there was no point in me trying to get a leg over an XL frame. But coincidentally, we ran into a friendly group who stopped for a break right by us, and one guy my height was riding an M frame 2013 Trance X2 29 he'd just bought. I took it for a short spin, and it felt quite good, more sitting in it than perched high. But I didn't get to try it on a technical trail, so for now I'm sticking with my 26er. Still looking to get a good drink of the 29er KoolAid so I can really decide how it tastes.

Author:  avidtest [ Sun Feb 16, 2014 10:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Tale of Two Trances

I'm perplexed by the 29er movement. I drank the kool-aid when I got into this a few years ago and purchased a 29er as my first mountain bike (well - my 1st mtb in nearly 20 years). As awesome as full-suss was, I still felt something was missing. I upgraded a ton of stuff on the bike, and it did get better, but there was still something amiss that I couldn't put my finger on... So I ended up pulling the trigger on a 26er. Hallelujah! I'd found the missing ingredient - more fun! Sure it might not roll over some stuff quite as easily (in theory anyway), but good gravy; the increase in liveliness, playfulness, cornering ability and added comfort in pushing my own limits (mediocre as they may be), all added up to a bike that is so much more fun to ride. The 29er now collects dust unless I can convince my kid to ride with me. It'd be sold if not for that.

Now, I can see a 29er possibly being the right choice if you're trying to win XC races or something, but otherwise, I have a tough time understanding the whole thing.

Besides, if you're convinced that 26" is no longer for you, why not split the diff, take a sip of the new and improved kool-aid, and go 650b? I haven't tried one myself, but all the 'k'ool kids are...

Author:  Dirtrider [ Sun Feb 16, 2014 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Tale of Two Trances

avidtest wrote:
Besides, if you're convinced that 26" is no longer for you, why not split the diff, take a sip of the new and improved kool-aid, and go 650b? I haven't tried one myself, but all the 'k'ool kids are...

Purchased a 650B/27.5 (whatever you are calling it today) for my son and it has been a great bike. Kinda wished I had not since he kicks my ass now. (which is really not that hard to do ) :lol:

Author:  Belizean [ Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Tale of Two Trances

27.5 is a safe purchase for just about anyone. With all the adjustments on these high end bikes, I can grow to love them all. I ride a 29er, but I'm a sucker for a deal, if a 27.5 shows up at the right price, I'd ride that too; but I will not go 26 again. My thing is, just ride baby :cheers: and don't ridicule the 29ers until you can look BACK on a climb and talk to the guy riding one, that's if you can talk while climbing :lol: . :thumbsup: :lol:

Author:  avidtest [ Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Tale of Two Trances

i'm with you there Fred. I would never ridicule someone just because they ride a 29er. :ninja:

Well...maybe just once... But only if I'm looking to get a rise out of someone. (Would I do that?) :lol:

Author:  OldDogDan [ Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Tale of Two Trances

I'm really happy with the bike I've got. But I'd like to try 'em all.

Author:  Kimba [ Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Tale of Two Trances

The change in how the bike feels is the biggest difference. On a 26 the bike feels more stuck for lack of a better word on climbs. The 29 wheels definitely climb better. On descents they do roll over stuff better and the platform feels more stable. There is way less flick ability from a 26 so if jumps and tricks are your thing 29 is not gonna help. If you tend to keep your wheels on the ground a 29 is nice.

Author:  Augdogg [ Mon Feb 17, 2014 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Tale of Two Trances

I think 29 have great rolling momentum what ever the case from personal exp. also seems like there is a trade off in travel. Fast is fast no matter what your riding and fun will always be relevant to ones taste. Change can never add anything without taking something else away. Wider bars, shorter stems, larger rotors, fatter tires, thinner seats, longer travel, tubeless, endless adjustments, 2x10, lighter weight, etc. what's next? Crank less crank sets, pad less brakes, post less seats, spoke less wheels, 1x18...?

Author:  racerbill [ Mon Feb 17, 2014 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Tale of Two Trances

My tallboy LT was down for a shock change so I rode my trance 26er. I rode on the same trails up at Mount Laguna with the same guys and at the end of a 2 mile stretch I would be 100 yards behind them and expending more effort. I rode my trance down Anderson the other day and yeah a lot more flexibility didn't like the rocks too much though. I like riding my tallboy LT I'm just gonna stick with it if I was only doing downhill I might go back to 26 or 27.

Author:  QuietStorm [ Mon Feb 17, 2014 10:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Tale of Two Trances

Belizean wrote:
...but I will not go 26 again. My thing is, just ride baby :cheers: and don't ridicule the 29ers until you can look BACK on a climb and talk to the guy riding one, that's if you can talk while climbing :lol: . :thumbsup: :lol:

Don't ridicule the 26ers until you can look BACK on a descent and talk to the guy riding one, that is if he's not already passed you. :lol: :thumbsup: :lol:

People ride bikes for different reasons and different bikes fit different needs for different people. Buy the bike that you like that fits for what you want to ride it for.

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