Dirt Treaders

Bike Parks? Singletrack? Downhill? What do you want?
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Author:  OhNooo [ Wed Dec 10, 2014 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Bike Parks? Singletrack? Downhill? What do you want?

Local land managers seem to think of us collectively as a bunch of noisy and needy mountain bikers. They just want us to go away and stop making their jobs more difficult. When dealing with people that they truly do not like, they usually just want to do the bare minimum for them and have them go away and stop making noise.

There has been lots of advocacy lately for bike parks. Is that what you want? I have my opinions, but want to hear yours more than I want to specify my own.

Land managers will likely eventually break down and throw a bone to mountain bikers. That can only happen if we keep up the pressure in community meetings, protest rides, etc. And you can be absolutely assured that when that bone is thrown, it is the last one we will get. 10 years later, asking that land manager for something more or different will result in "well, we gave you XXX 10 years ago, so please go away". It's just human nature. We should make sure that what is requested is what will give us the best benefit.

So click the buttons on the above poll and state your preference. I absolutely guarantee that this data will go absolutely nowhere but on this page, but it might make you feel good to state a preference. I'm posting this solely as an individual DT member, and not on the behalf of any organized advocacy group. Those that know me will recognize me as the one who always polls the assembled audience whenever I get a chance to speak at a CAC or other community meeting. It's all about our assembled "community", just like in the DT logo. :thumbsup:

Author:  Dirtrider [ Wed Dec 10, 2014 5:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bike Parks? Singletrack? Downhill? What do you want?

One might think that keeping the ST trails we have and building some more would be the fastest, easiest, less costly method but that might not make sense to some. Thanks for the poll :thumbsup:
Harder for the elected officials to get to the ribbon cutting to brag about how your tax $$$ are spent :roll:

Author:  J.A.M. [ Wed Dec 10, 2014 5:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bike Parks? Singletrack? Downhill? What do you want?

seems you have them ranked in easiest to hardest to accomplish here in SD.

As a father and rider I want to see a bike park with 1/4 intro 1/2 intermediate 1/4 expert level areas.

That is what I've been asking for.

Author:  OhNooo [ Wed Dec 10, 2014 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bike Parks? Singletrack? Downhill? What do you want?

Hi J.A.M, I had no thoughts on the order. Just specifying all of the options I could think of.

Author:  A_street [ Wed Dec 10, 2014 6:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bike Parks? Singletrack? Downhill? What do you want?

I think a bike skills area would be pretty cool. I'm sure that the pump track and skills area that is being built will be fun and I'll check it out.

What I would really like though are more single track trails. Actually, I would just like to ride the ones we have unhindered or at the constant risk that some construction company is gonna develop it. Within 10 years, most likely this metro area will be like the Bay Area and we will all have to drive outside of the city to enjoy this sport. The small amount of open space in the canyons is far to valuable to go undeveloped.

Author:  ajdonner [ Wed Dec 10, 2014 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bike Parks? Singletrack? Downhill? What do you want?


I too would like more bike parks (have attended all the Carlsbad City Council meetings this past year and definitely plan on checking out the Crow's Nest in Valley Center); but not at the expense of ST in the little remaining open space we have locally. The skills park would be cool to have some progressive features (in the ratio J.A.M. mentioned) to practice for the kind of riding I really like to do.

Actually, I want both.

Author:  evdog [ Wed Dec 10, 2014 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bike Parks? Singletrack? Downhill? What do you want?

I voted singletrack (xc) in open space because I don't think any land managers here would ever let us build downhill trails with worthwhile features. There is great need for both downhill trails and singletrack though.

OhNooo wrote:
And you can be absolutely assured that when that bone is thrown, it is the last one we will get. 10 years later, asking that land manager for something more or different will result in "well, we gave you XXX 10 years ago, so please go away".

I have to disagree with this statement. I think once the city and wildlife agencies see that having more authorized trails where they make sense will help curtail illegal building they will be more willing to work with us. I also think the city and county will eventually realize that a large, interconnected trail system could really draw more people to the area. Remember there are tons of different land managers. We will make lots of headway with some of them, and less with others.

Author:  OhNooo [ Wed Dec 10, 2014 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bike Parks? Singletrack? Downhill? What do you want?

Hi evdog, I do wish I shared your optimism. Every time I get optimistic that positive change will occur (tunnels cleanup and missing trails protest ride come to mind), the end result has been just another kick in the nuts. More trails closed for a looooong time. I have a difficult time allowing myself to be setup for yet another kick. Hence my feelings that if we do get a lucky land manager once, we cannot expect that luck to continue.

I really wish I could be more optimistic...

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