Dirt Treaders

Mass Protest at Mission Trails
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Author:  Dirtrider [ Sun Jan 12, 2014 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Protest at Mission Trails

MiLo wrote:
FYI, the driver came from the Authorized vehicles only road by the visitor center, not the parking lot where were were. so Yes, please report the person in the meeting. there were news crews at the bottom, maybe they have footage?

I was on the other side of this camera right next to the dad pulling the trailer. It looked like the car came from where Milo stated. Not to get political, but he had a Obama/ Biden sticker on the right side of his rear bumper if that helps find out who this was. Checking their web site you can view the employees but I didn't get a good look at him, maybe someone did.

Not being a cop or playing one on TV but I don't think he tried to hit anyone. Sure drove way too fast outta there for sure. That wasn't safe for the traffic in front of him

Author:  Earache [ Sun Jan 12, 2014 9:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Protest at Mission Trails

Dirtrider wrote:
MiLo wrote:
FYI, the driver came from the Authorized vehicles only road by the visitor center, not the parking lot where were were. so Yes, please report the person in the meeting. there were news crews at the bottom, maybe they have footage?

....but I don't think he tried to hit anyone. Sure drove way too fast outta there or sure. That wasn't safe for the traffic in front of him

Whether or not he intended to hit anyone is impossible to determine as it would require a knowledge of what was in his mind at the moment - short of self-incrimination, we won't know. But, as seen on the video, his actions were hostile, reckless, negligent, etc. and that record should be enough to hold him accountable with MTRP administration if, in-fact, he is in anyway formally associated with the Park.

This will be interesting to see play-out and may reveal many ugly secrets - I hope so.

Author:  Dirtrider [ Sun Jan 12, 2014 9:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Protest at Mission Trails

^^^^ totally agree

Author:  Ray Dolor [ Sun Jan 12, 2014 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Protest at Mission Trails

Earache wrote:
Dirtrider wrote:
MiLo wrote:
FYI, the driver came from the Authorized vehicles only road by the visitor center, not the parking lot where were were. so Yes, please report the person in the meeting. there were news crews at the bottom, maybe they have footage?

....but I don't think he tried to hit anyone. Sure drove way too fast outta there or sure. That wasn't safe for the traffic in front of him

Whether or not he intended to hit anyone is impossible to determine as it would require a knowledge of what was in his mind at the moment - short of self-incrimination, we won't know. But, as seen on the video, his actions were hostile, reckless, negligent, etc. and that record should be enough to hold him accountable with MTRP administration if, in-fact, he is in anyway formally associated with the Park.

This will be interesting to see play-out and may reveal many ugly secrets - I hope so.

Reckless driving is a citable offense. Even I know that, and I'm no cop. Whether intentional reckless driving is a more serious offense than just plain old reckless driving, I dunno.

Author:  bankerboy [ Sun Jan 12, 2014 12:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Protest at Mission Trails

I think we all agree this poor example of a human needs to be dealt with by the proper authorities.

Let's bring the topic back to the task at hand. A great thing happened yesterday. From the grass roots level, we all came together for the right cause - more trail access. Don't let the momentum from yesterday be spoiled on one driver. While he is A problem, he is not THE problem. Where do we go from here?

First, show up at the MTPR meetings. For some reason, I can't get their calender working but if somebody knows, post it up. Until we make large and regular showings at their meetings, don't expect any help.

Second, and paramount to this change, is establishing representation on the board. There is no rider representation there currently. It is time to change that. The time commitment is not much. Typically one evening a month or less. Once on the board, don't expect the attitudes to change much but one person in can lead to another and another and so on. Many of the entrenched board members will sense the change and either amend their attitudes or go away. It will not be an easy or fast process but it is possible. It has happened in other historically hostile boards. :thumbsup:

3/4 of the battle is just showing up. Lets work on the other 1/4.

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Author:  MiLo [ Sun Jan 12, 2014 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Protest at Mission Trails

I've waited about 8 minutes for several trains to go by.
This was a "Scheduled" event, the bikers were on their way out. He could have waited a few more minutes. No, instead he honks his horn, speeds up, and gives us trail users the Bird. THAT is unsat.

What if my son did go out and ends up getting hit by the driver, he's not exactly tall.

HE should be reported.

So, from what I see on my Phone, it's a Silver Hyundai Accent Sedan with a black Fuel cap.
Bumper sticker with our current POTUS.


btw, I agree with Bankerboy, this was a great turnout :cheers:

Author:  Ray Dolor [ Sun Jan 12, 2014 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Protest at Mission Trails

I too absolutely agree with BB and Milo. This one lone punk needs to be dealt with, but the big picture has to be kept in perspective more than anything else.

Whether the number was 200 or 400,l everybody acknowledges that yesterdays' turnout has a tremendous potential to kick start a real change in procedures, and to drag some of the murkier processes out into the light of day for the first time.

The comments on the KGTV10 website, posted for anybody to read, indicate that folks are waking up to the collusion of CDFW and the developers. One back scratching the other, so to speak.

Author:  TrailBurner [ Sun Jan 12, 2014 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Protest at Mission Trails

Ha ha. Obama bumper sticker. No comment.

Fortunately I left the parking lot about 30 seconds before this asshat pulled his stunt.

Author:  Mudd [ Fri Jan 17, 2014 2:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Protest at Mission Trails

Figures.... Obozo sticker. :roll: :roll: :roll:

bikevote.jpg [ 17.03 KiB | Viewed 14603 times ]

Author:  Ld00d [ Fri Jan 17, 2014 3:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Protest at Mission Trails

Haha. It's funny because Obama voters and KPBS listeners are such assholes.


Author:  bankerboy [ Fri Jan 17, 2014 4:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Protest at Mission Trails

I am so confused....

I like NPR but am a detractor of POTUS. I like hands off government yet belong to a CAC. I love the outdoors and the environment yet I ride a bike that kills little invertebrates and I drive a pickup....

My world is so grey. Somebody explain this to me......

Author:  jSatch [ Fri Jan 17, 2014 4:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Protest at Mission Trails

bankerboy wrote:
I am so confused....

I like NPR but am a detractor of POTUS. I like hands off government yet belong to a CAC. I love the outdoors and the environment yet I ride a bike that kills little invertebrates and I drive a pickup....

My world is so grey. Somebody explain this to me......

simple really, talk to his highness.

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